It consists of a network of volunteers who assist in their local communities with passion and purpose.
Serene Light’s Founder is Dr. June Samuel, a physician, counselor and health educator. In 2004, the IRS officially granted Serene Light-Non-Profit 501 © (3) status as a Public Charity Organization and later reaffirmed the Public Charity status.
Our goal is to offer support, work in collaborative partnerships with other Social Service Organizations and Agencies. And to create positive differences in unique ways, which impact the lives of individuals, families and communities, and can lead to greater global changes.
A few of the collaborations and sponsorships are listed below:
American Cancer Society
American Red Cross
Serene Light Clinic, Chennai
Seva Mandir
The Banyan
SAFEHOUSE (Domestic Violence Intervention Center)
Katrina Rebuilding efforts
Students Against AIDS (SAAT)
Tuskegee University
Macon County Youth Football Cheerleaders
And OTHER Groups and Organizations
We have also sponsored and made several donations to other Non-Profit community groups, Charity Events, and many individuals/families in case of emergency needs.
We continue to grow, evolve and establish programs and projects, according to the many changing needs in our communities.
Serene Light Inc is a Non-Profit Organization, established in 2002 in historic Tuskegee, Alabama, USA.